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1. 肺炎球菌

  1. Chiba N, Morozumi M, Sunaoshi K, Takahashi S, Takano M, Komori T, Sunakawa K, Ubukata K, and IPD surveillance Study Group. 2010. Serotype and antibiotic resistance of isolates from patients with invasive pneumococcal disease in Japan. Epidemiol. Infect. 138: 61-68.
  2. Takahashi T, Morozumi M, Chiba N, Asami R, Kishii K, Murayama S Y, and Ubukata K. 2009. Co-infection with respiratory syncytial virus subgroup A and Streptococcus pneumoniae detected by a comprehensive real-time polymerase chain reaction assay in an elderly patient with community-acquired pneumonia. J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 57: 1711-1713.
    (高齢者における RS ウイルス A 型と肺炎球菌の混合感染例を迅速診断により証明)
  3. Chiba N, Kobayashi R, Hasegawa K, Morozumi M, Nakayama E, Tajima T, Iwata S, and Ubukata K. 2005. Antibiotic susceptibility according to genotype of penicillin- binding protein and macrolide resistance genes, and serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from community-acquired pneumonia in children. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 56: 756-760.
  4. Ubukata K, Chiba N, Hasegawa K, Kobayashi R, Iwata S, and Sunakawa K. 2004. Antibiotic susceptibility in relation to penicillin-binding protein genes and serotype distribution of Streptococcus pneumoniae strains responsible for meningitis in Japan, 1999-2002. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 48: 1488-1494.
  5. Ubukata K. 2003. Problems associated with high prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria in patients with community-acquired infections. J. Infect. Chemoteher. 9: 285-291.
  6. Nagai K, Shibasaki Y, Hasegawa K, Jacobs M R, Ubukata K, and Appelbaum P. 2001. Evaluation of PCR primers to screen for Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates and beta-lactam resistance, and to detect common macrolide resistant determinants. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 48: 915-918.
    (生方らが構築したβ-ラクタムとマクロライド系薬耐性菌の PCR による迅速検索法が米国株にも応用できることを証明)
  7. Asahi Y, Takeuchi Y, and Ubukata K. 1999. Diversity of substitutions within or adjacent to conserved amino acid motifs of penicillin-binding protein 2X in cephalosporin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 43: 1252-1255.
    (PBP の中でも主にセフェム系薬の耐性化に関わる PBP2X 酵素の多様な変異について明らかにした)
  8. Asahi Y and Ubukata K. 1998. Association of a Thr-371 substitution in a conserved amino acid motif of penicillin-binding protein 1A with penicillin resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 42: 2267-2273.
    (β-ラクタム系薬耐性化に関わる PBP の中,最も重要な PBP1A 酵素について,371番目のスレオニンの置換が重要であることを明らかにした)
  9. Ubukata K, Muraki T, Igarashi A, Asahi Y, and Konno M. 1998. Identification of penicillin and other beta-lactam resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae by polymerase chain reaction. J. Infect. Chemother. 4: 190-197.
    (β-ラクタム系薬耐性化に関わる PBP1A,2X,2B 酵素をそれぞれコードする遺伝子変異を PCR 法で検索し,その組み合わせから PRSP,PISP,PSSP を識別する)
  10. Yamane A, Nakano H, Asahi Y, Ubukata K, and Konno M. 1996. Directly repeated insertion of 9-nucleotide sequence detected in penicillin-binding protein 2B gene of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 40: 1257-1259.
    (PBP のうち,ペニシリン系薬の耐性化に関わる PBP2B の一部欠損を明らかにした)
  11. Ubukata K, Muraki T, Igarashi A, Asahi Y, Konno M, and Working Group for PRSP. 1996. In vitro evaluation of the activity of β-lactams, new quinolones, and other antimicrobial agents against Streptococcus pneumoniae. J. Infect. Chemother. 2: 213-221.
    (PRSP,PISP,PSSP に対する各種抗菌薬の評価)
  12. Ubukata K, Asahi Y, Okuzumi K, and Konno M. 1995. Incidence of penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in Japan, 1993–1995. J. Infect. Chemother. 1: 177-184.
  13. 千葉 菜穂子,長谷川 恵子,小林玲子,鈴木 悦子,岩田 敏,砂川 慶介,生方 公子,化膿性髄膜炎・全国サーベイランス研究班. 2003.化膿性髄膜炎例から分離された Streptococcus pneumoniae の疫学解析. -1993年から2002年の分離株について-.日本化学療法学会雑誌. 51: 551-560.

2. β溶血性レンサ球菌

  1. Takahashi T, Ubukata K, and Watanabe H. 2010. Invasive infection caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis: Characteristics of strains and clinical features. J. Infect. Chemother. DOI 10.1007/s10156-010-0084-2.
    (SDSE について,その疫学と発症例の臨床的特徴を記述した本邦における最初の総説)
  2. Yamaoka S, Ogihara T, Yasui M, Hasegawa M, Hira S, Oue S, Ubukata K, Watanabe H, and Takahashi T. 2010. Neonatal Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis. Pediatric. Infect. Dis. J. 29: 979-981.
    (SDSE による新生児への垂直感染事例としての最初の報告)
  3. Sunaoshi K, Murayama S Y, Adachi K, Yagoshi M, Okuzumi K, Chiba N, Morozumi M, and Ubukata K. 2010. Molecular emm genotyping and antibiotic susceptibility of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis isolated from invasive and noninvasive infections. J. Med. Microbiol. 59: 82-88.
    (侵襲性感染症と非侵襲性感染症由来の SDSE に対する emm 型別と抗菌薬感受性成績)
  4. Yoshino M, Murayama SY, Sunaoshi K, Wajima T, Takahashi M, Masaki J, Kurokawa I, and Ubukata K. 2010. Nonhemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes isolates that lack large regions of the sag operon mediating streptolysin S production. J. Clin. Microbiol. 48: 635-638.
    (溶血性を失った GAS 株の遺伝子解析を行い,その原因が sag オペロンの欠失にあることを証明)
  5. Takahashi T, Asami R, Tanabe K, Hirono Y, Nozawa Y, Chiba N, and Ubukata K. 2010. Clinical aspects of invasive infection with Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis in elderly patients. J. Infect. Chemother. 16: 68-71.
    (高齢者における SDSE 侵襲性感染症の臨床的特徴を記述)
  6. Murayama S Y, Seki C, Sakata H, Sunaoshi K, Nakayama E, Iwata S, Sunakawa K, Ubukta K, and Invasive Streptococcal Disease Working Group. 2009. Capsular type and antibiotic resistance in Streptococcus agalactiae isolates from patients, ranging from newborns to the elderly, with invasive infections. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 53: 2650-2653.
    (侵襲性感染症由来の GBS 株についてその莢膜型と薬剤感受性を解析)
  7. Takahashi T, Sunaoshi K, Sunakawa K, Fujishima S, Watanabe H, and Ubukata K. 2009. Clinical aspects of invasive infections with Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis in Japan: differences with respect to Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae infections. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 16: 1097-1103.
    (SDSE による侵襲性感染症と, GAS および GBS の臨床所見等を統計学的処理により比較)
  8. Matsui H, Sekiya Y, Nakamura M, Murayama SY, Yoshida H, Takahashi T, Imanishi K, Tsuchimoto K, Uchiyama T, Sunakawa K, and Ubukata K. 2009. CD46 transgenic mouse model of necrotizing fasciitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes infection. Infect. Immun. 11: 4806-4814.
    (ヒト CD46 トランスジェニックマウスを用いた GAS による壊死性筋膜炎)
  9. Wajima T, Murayama S Y, Sunaoshi K, Nakayama E, Sunakawa K, and Ubukata K. 2008. Distribution of emm type and antibiotic susceptibility of group A streptococci causing invasive and noninvasive diseases. J. Med. Microbiol. 57: 1383-1388.
    (侵襲性および非侵襲性感染症由来の GAS における M タンパクをコードする emm 遺伝子解析と薬剤感受性)
  10. 生方 公子. 2010. 侵襲性β溶血性レンサ球菌感染症 -患者背景と分離菌の分子疫学的特徴-.感染症. 40: 121-133.
  11. 浅見 諒子,岡田 圭祐,千葉 菜穂子,生方 公子,高橋 孝. 2010. 成人の血液培養由来β溶血性レンサ球菌の疫学的性状と発症例における背景因子の特徴.感染症学雑誌. 84: 285-291.
  12. 生方 公子,砂押 克彦,小林 玲子,奥住 捷子. 2006. アンケート調査によるC群およびG群溶血性レンサ球菌による侵襲性感染症についての報告.感染症学雑誌, 80: 480-487.
  13. 砂押 克彦,油橋 宏美,小林 玲子,山本 芳尚,奥住 捷子,吉田 敦,三澤 慶樹,安達 桂子,生方 公子. 2006. Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis の遺伝子解析による emm 型別と経口抗菌薬感受性. 感染症学雑誌. 80: 488-495.
  14. 三澤 慶樹,奥川 周,生方 公子,奥住 捷子,岡田 光正,森屋 恭爾,小池 和彦. 2006. G群に凝集する Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis による劇症型溶血レンサ球菌感染症の1例.感染症学雑誌. 80: 436-439.

3. 迅速診断法

  1. Chiba N, Murayama S Y, Morozumi M, Nakayama E, Okada T, Iwata S, Sunakawa K, and Ubukata K. 2009. Rapid detection of eight causative pathogens for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis by real-time PCR. J. Infect. Chemother. 15: 92-98.
  2. Hamano-Hasegawa K, Morozumi M, Nakayama E, Chiba N, Murayama S Y, Takayanagi R, Iwata S, Sunakawa K, Ubukata K, and ARD study group. 2008. Comprehensive detection of causative pathogens using real-time PCR to diagnose pediatric community-acquired pneumonia. J. Infect. Chemother. 14: 424-432.
  3. Morozumi M, Nakayama E, Iwata S, Aoki Y, Hasegawa K, Kobayashi R, Chiba N, Tajima T, and Ubukata K. 2006. Simultaneous detection of pathogens in clinical samples from patients with community-acquired pneumonia by real-time PCR with pathogen-specific molecular beacon probes. J. Clin. Microbiol. 44: 1440-1446.



肺炎球菌感染症とワクチン- Think Globally, Act Locally -
